Get More On The 43fitness Facebook Page

I received some awesome feedback from many of you as a result of the NutriBullet Giveaway. For instance, several of you are looking for more detail about what I eat on a daily basis, more training tips and little bit more about me personally.

driveby spinach
I couldn’t look away

While I don’t always have it together enough to post to this website as often as I’d like to, I do find time to process status updates to the 43fitness Facebook page on a daily basis. With my recent upgrade from the dumbphone, I’m now able to provide quite an array of tidbits as they come to me throughout the day. They can be well-thought out details about a specific new element to my training, links to fantastic videos demonstrating cool new (or old moves), or as random as the lunchtime drive-by I experienced in my kitchen today. And you’ll almost always find something I’ve epiphanized while at the gym.

facebookscreenshotAll-in-all, it’s a great platform for me to communicate little asides as they pop into my head. It’s like me texting you or stopping by your office to relay whatever I forgot to tell you the last time we spoke. Additionally, you’ll find other wonderful contributors who are in various stages of their fitness journeys. They’ve always got interesting and motivational stories, and I’ve learned a thing or two by connecting with them.

I am excited to see many of you out there in FB land, and I’d like to THANK YOU for bravely venturing out to meet me there.  To those of you who haven’t, however, I hope you’ll consider stopping by and checking out the scene. Click the LIKE button, and I think you’ll be pleased by the interesting information you’ll receive in your feed to help you achieve your goals in an upbeat and hopefully entertaining way!like-button2

What is your favorite Facebook or other social media page?
