Quote For The Day

If you happen to follow me on Pinterest (and if you don’t you should!), then you may be familiar with the Quotes board I’ve created.  It’s a one-stop shop for inspiration on all kinds of topics related to fitness – action, perseverance, focus, attitude, you name it.  And as I cruise through the boards of the people I follow (like the especially creative pinner lise) I get really inspired myself.  So much so that I obsess about quotes I could create until I actually have to create one.

Some are good and some are not so good, but I really enjoy creating them because the ratio of words to graphics is so minimal, yet so challenging! So here is my latest.  You’ll most likely find it anywhere 43fitness lives on the web.  If you like it, please pass it on (you can use the little social media buttons at the bottom).  If not, thanks for stopping by anyway. Also know that more will be coming, so you might eventually find one that resonates.  Have a fabulous rest of your weekend, and keep crushing it!

Strong wishes,


upholstery quote

