Sometimes seeing the forest can be tough with all the trees in the way, and I realized that just today about my transformation journey, and effectively how I got to where I am today.
In addition to training my amazing, wonderful, dedicated clients in the gym, I also train multitudes of clients all over the country through an online 6 week program. The methods I teach in B3 helped me out of my BEFORE situation, to get to where I am and have been for 3 years.
Why I’ve never summed it up this succinctly escapes me. Wait a minute. I am NEVER succinct. I guess you can chalk it up to lack of experience. I am still learning how to the be the best at my craft every single day, and sometimes I have a hard time articulating the core idea, getting lost in all the detail.
My goal today is to try and simplify my message about this amazing stage based approach to lifestyle transition. Yes I used Jamie Eason’s Livefit Trainer, I used Body for Life and The Body Sculpting Bible series. I have also used zillions of other resources including my certifying bodies for nutrition and training and many anecdotal experiences with my clients.
The key here is that I have wrapped all this knowledge up into a manageable package that makes sense, and more importantly, works. I’ll let a few of my B3 grads speak to this:
I think B3 is a great program and it’s laid out very simply and easy, with focusing on adopting one new habit each week. It’s a very realistic, supportive program that fosters good communication and positive reinforcement through the private FB forum. – Jusine, Texas
The food list is so amazingly simple! I mentioned before that I have been interested in Jamie Eason’s Live Fit program. I haven’t done the program yet because the food was confusing and when I did try to follow her plan I was not ever feeling full. Your food list is, as I said, amazingly simple and seems to allow for greater variety even though it is essentially the same as JELF. It’s presented in a way that I finally get it! And, since I’ve been using your food list, my clothes are getting looser, so I know it works. – Amber, Colorado
This time will be different because I can’t believe how terrible my body has felt over this last year having let myself slide back into old habits. I thought there was something serious wrong with me and so did my doctor, but since getting back on track with Cassye’s help I am feeling better and better. – Jodi, Wyoming
And you can read more testimonials here. Within them you’ll find words like affordable, easy, supportive and attentive. These are all the things I give to my clients in the gym that you can also take advantage of at a fraction of the cost. And now that you mention it, I want to let you know that the $43 fee is coming to an end. In order to maintain the best content and support I’ll be increasing the price to $99 beginning February 24.
I’ll add some giddyup perspective here. $43 is less than ONE personal training session.
I know I have yammered on and on about this program. You see it in my Facebook Posts, Pinterest Boards and on my shiny new Instagram account. But as you’ll note with all my other endorsements and affiliations. I don’t push what doesn’t work. This works. It worked for me and my clients because it is a NEW approach. It can work for you too. YOU can be the broker of your lifestyle transition. One decision at a time.
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