Personal Trainer

If you are lucky enough to reside in or near beautiful Fort Collins, Colorado, then I would love to be your certified personal trainer and train with you in person! Although I do work with both men and women I think it's safe to call me a "female personal trainer" as most of my clients are female.

The cornerstone of fitness is nutrition – it’s 80% you know, BUT you have to have your training in order if you want to change your body shape and carve a beautiful, lean physique. My local training programs provide just that. Customized exercise and nutritional coaching = magic with some patience and consistency on your part!

Programs & Pricing

Now I know you may be feeling a bit uneasy at this point. If you’re looking to restore your mojo, getting started can be the hardest part. Especially if you’ve never lifted weights before. However, I’ve been in your shoes and I GET IT. I really really do. That’s why I’ve chosen an awesome facility to partner with, where you can feel like yourself, while leaving room to grow as your confidence blooms. It’s likely not the type of gym you’ve experienced before; an intimate studio-like setting with big, bright windows and lots of open floor space.

I’ve gone to great lengths to be sure you’ll be comfortable here because I’ll want to see you a lot in the beginning. Consistently grooving proper movement patterns and addressing imbalances is key to effective training, so I like to meet with my clients at least 3 times per week for the first month. I provide one, three and six month options, as detailed in the following programs. Thereafter I charge $80/session for single sessions. Single session programs are available to clients who have completed one month or more of consecutive training and show sufficient mastery of program exercises. Still have questions? Try the FAQ for answers!

Best Value
Programs to Get Your Mojo Back!
Jump Start
A concentrated 1 month program for a solid start toward your goals.

Full Details

Intensive 3 month program built for serious goal achievement.

Full Details

Best Value
Ultra comprehensive 6 month program to exceed your goals through complete lifestyle transition.

Full Details

One low price
per session
$960 total
per session
$2,808 total
per session
$5,472 total
60-minute training sessions
(3/week for 4 weeks)
(3/week for 12 weeks)
(3/week for 24 weeks)
Overall health and wellness assessment
Long-term and short-term goal setting
Discussion and strategies around your biggest challenges and obstacles to getting healthy
Customized, progressive workout plan
Individually planned nutrition strategy
Email support as needed
Payment plan available
Grocery shopping tour
Gym-based training

Jump Start
A concentrated 1 month program for a solid start toward your goals.

Full Details

per session
$960 total
60-minute training sessions
(3/week for 4 weeks)
Overall health and wellness assessment
Long-term and short-term goal setting
Discussion and strategies around your biggest challenges and obstacles to getting healthy
Customized, progressive workout plan
Email support as needed
Payment plan available
Grocery shopping tour
Gym-based training
Intensive 3 month program built for serious goal achievement.

Full Details

per session
$2,808 total
60-minute training sessions
(3/week for 12 weeks)
Overall health and wellness assessment
Long-term and short-term goal setting
Discussion and strategies around your biggest challenges and obstacles to getting healthy
Customized, progressive workout plan
Email support as needed
Payment plan available
Grocery shopping tour
Gym-based training
Best Value
Ultra comprehensive 6 month program to exceed your goals through complete lifestyle transition.

Full Details

per session
$5,472 total
60-minute training sessions
(3/week for 24 weeks)
Overall health and wellness assessment
Long-term and short-term goal setting
Discussion and strategies around your biggest challenges and obstacles to getting healthy
Customized, progressive workout plan
Email support as needed
Payment plan available
Grocery shopping tour
Gym-based training

And, If That's Not Enough

Sometimes you’ll need more from me than just the workouts. A huge portion of your success in the gym is tied to what you put into your mouth. Because you’ll spend about 2% of your weekly time with me and about 98% of your time on your own, you may need more reinforcement with your nutrition than I can provide you between sets.

Grocery Store Tour

Trudging down the aisles of your favorite supermarket can be a confusing excursion when juggling the latest health food fads of the day with simply trying to get the job done; especially if you’re trying to stick to a budget. Let’s take some time together and let me help you simplify the process so you can shop with confidence.

  • 60-minute personal tour of the grocery store where you shop
  • Detailed information about labels and how to find the best healthy value for your money
  • Personalized grocery list compiled at the store and emailed post-tour
  • Additional links and resources for future trips

ONLY $125

Pantry Makeover

This session will be judgment and shame free! Nothing will be thrown out, but you’ll complete this process with a better understanding of why some of your choices eventually should be replaced.

  • 60-minute personal assessment of the foods in your kitchen in-home or via Skype
  • Comprehensive Nutrition and label reading guidance
  • Details on why foods are preferred or not, along with helpful handouts
  • Customized grocery list for replacement items emailed post-makeover

ONLY $125

Email Subscription

Maybe you’re a current client ready to take your customized program solo, or someone who’s looking for solid accountability while you execute your own program. In either case, I can provide the level of accountability to ensure you meet your full potential.

  • Once/week check-ins with detailed, thoughtful responses
  • Specific answers to your questions
  • Links to helpful articles and resources
  • Personal accountability
  • Progress assessments