As the summer progresses I've had the fulfilling mission of helping a few of my clients transition to training solo ...
Follow any fitness program long enough and you're going to see results. That my friends, is a given. The absolute ...
Before I begin I should really apologize for the title because I am NOT, in fact, the mother of a ...
Hi Everybody,I hope this post finds you well, and still deeply invested in your healthy lifestyle. It's been a VERY ...
I was loading up the olympic bar to get ready for hip thrusts this morning, and really hadn't planned this ...
We've been following Sally since April, and she's still going strong! When we last left her, this indomitable 48-year old ...
I was so curious to see if all the work I put in during the Carb Cycling Experiment and Picture ...
I was so thrilled to find that Oxygen actually did publish my transformation story! It was like the cherry on top ...
GETTING THERE IS HALF THE FUNTelling your story is an outstanding way to stay motivated and to motivate others. Making a ...