It's always amazing to me how people closest to us can make us feel so uncertain or even guilty about ...
Ever had one of those perky friends who just loooooves to work out? On one hand she can be a ...
Up and down, back and forth and over and under. Reminds you of those rides that make you miserably nauseous ...
Follow any fitness program long enough and you're going to see results. That my friends, is a given. The absolute ...
Four years. I'm going on four years of keeping off the fat I lost when I clawed my way out of the Mythical ...
Pull up a chair kind reader, because I want to tell you a little story. Actually, back up. I want ...
Hi Everybody,I hope this post finds you well, and still deeply invested in your healthy lifestyle. It's been a VERY ...
Lifestyle transition is a big deal. I know this because I've been through it myself. But sometimes I forget because ...
Thank you all for your patience while we put the final touches on the new, transformed site.Before we discuss the ...
Sometimes seeing the forest can be tough with all the trees in the way, and I realized that recently about my ...